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Real ID’s 2025 deadline may get flexibility until 2027, under TSA proposal

Real ID’s 2025 deadline may get flexibility until 2027, under TSA proposal

feds Real ID the May 2025 deadline may have two years of wiggle room if a the proposed extension by the Transportation Security Administration goes into effect, potentially giving people more time to get their paperwork in order and get their ID updated.

The Real ID Act of 2005 means that U.S. residents age 18 and older will eventually need to show a Real ID-enhanced driver’s license or a passport or other federally approved identification to fly, even from state to state. The the current deadline is May 7, 2025for TSA to begin enforcing the Real ID requirement still remains in place, but the proposal would allow the agency to consider phase-in through May 2027.

Travelers without a real ID starting in May 2025 may face delays at airport security checkpoints, the TSA said.

“The proposed rule maintains the May 7, 2025 deadline, while providing the necessary flexibility for agencies to begin enforcement in a manner that considers security, operational risk, and public impact,” the agency said in a statement.

Under the new proposal, travelers will be encouraged to have real IDs by 2025, even though full enforcement won’t come into effect until May 5, 2027.

In short, the Department of Homeland Security anticipates that a lot of people will apply for real IDs at the last possible minute, leading to a delay. And an influx of people without real IDs showing up at airports and trying to fly could cause delays and security issues at airports.

When May 7, 2025 rolls around, agencies will begin issuing warnings to flyers who don’t have Real ID-compatible IDs. This is to encourage people to update their documents and be prepared for next time. The phase-in will end in 2027, making it a strict rule that a flyer must have an ID compatible with Real ID.

Read more: What is Real ID?

Plans for the gradual rollout are still underway. The TSA could use a three-warning rule, warning travelers multiple times to get their real IDs before denying them.

The latest in a long line of delays

The Real ID Act it was first passed by Congress in 2005, with an initial start date of 2008. However, US states have continually requested delays as adoption rates have been low. The COVID-19 pandemic caused several delays, and eventually the date was set for 2023 before it was postponed again until 2025.

TSA says only 56% of IDs issued are Real ID compliant as of January 2024. Part of the reason they’re going with a phased rollout instead of another full delay is to encourage people to purchase their IDs actual before the new start date. in 2027. The concern is that another full delay with no enforcement would cause low adoption rates that could cause problems around the holidays and other travel times.