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Microsoft is lifting one of the blocks preventing users from upgrading to Windows 11 24H2

Microsoft is lifting one of the blocks preventing users from upgrading to Windows 11 24H2

Microsoft is lifting one of the blocks preventing users from upgrading to Windows 11 24H2

Shortly after the release of Windows 11 version 24H2 last month, Microsoft has acknowledged a problem with the Voicemeeter app. Due to driver compatibility issues, the app would cause a blue screen of death with a MEMORY MANAGEMENT error code. To prevent a bad user experience, Microsoft has placed an update block on systems with the Voicemeeter app. Now, the company has an update to the story.

Microsoft has updated official documentation with new details on compatibility issues with the Voicemeeter app. Thanks to developers releasing a new version with a fixed driver, Voicemeeter no longer causes blue screens of death on Windows 11 version 24H2. Therefore, Microsoft lifts the block and allows users to update to the latest version.

Note, however, that upgrading to Windows 11 version 24H2 with the Voicemeeter app installed is only possible after updating the latter to version, or The block is marked as “External”, which means that picking it up requires third-party modifications. In this case, you need the updated vbvoicemeetervaio64_win10.sys driver version or newer (part of the latest Voicemeeter version).

If you still can’t get to Windows 11 version 24H2 after updating Voicemeeter, try restarting the system to speed up the unblocking (this is the official guidance from Microsoft). If you still have no luck, check other known issues in Windows 11 24H2which are still enough.

The latest version is still new and rolling out gradually. Due to the fact that it is a major update with a complete OS overhaul, it has quite a few known bugs and compatibility issues awaiting fixes. These include an update suspension on certain ASUS devices, apps freeze when camera is in usegames with anti-cheat software that cause blue screens of death and more.

If your device is not affected by any of these known bugs and you want to update right now, check this guide (if you have a supported system) or this guide (if your computer is not supported).