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Sexualized deepfakes, weaponized data and stalkerware that monitor victims online

Sexualized deepfakes, weaponized data and stalkerware that monitor victims online

2024 #ShareTheMicInCyber ​​​​Pavlina Pavlova published an opinion piece with Ms. on the subject of her recent report with New America on how cyberattacks and data harmonization can cause gendered harm. In her paper, she argues that without an adequate understanding of how technology can facilitate real-life harm to women, we risk preventing them from fully participating in democratic processes.

We still lack gender-disaggregated data sets and testimonies that fully illustrate the breadth and depth of how data mining affects people based on gender as a variable. However, recent research shows that the stakes for women in the digital age are high. Women’s online experiences are different in many ways from men’s, and our responses to technology and the law that governs it must reflect that reality.

Her full report, Gender biases of data harmonizationis published with New America.