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Michel Van Den Berghe returns to the Campus Cyber ​​​​page and returns to private

Michel Van Den Berghe returns to the Campus Cyber ​​​​page and returns to private

Il part avec le sentiment du devoir accompli. A la tête du Campus Cyber ​​​​since its creation, in 2022, in the district of la Défense (Hauts-de-Seine), Michel Van Den Berghe will remittre sa emission lors du prochaine conseil d’administration, le 9 December. The founders ofOrange Cyberdefense qu’Emmanuel Macron was in charge of building all the pieces of a CyberSpark français, in reference to the grand Israeli campus, laisse une maison en bonne santé. Because, with a net result of 800,000 euros in 2024, 20 million in cash, with the presence of 1,000 people and more than 140 entities (DGSE, DGSI, Inria, Thales…) daily, they Campus Cyber ​​​has demonstrated its attractiveness. “We have passed from a presidential idea to a concrete realization in a rapid mannerthe 64-year-old boss confides. You must now write a new page, which will allow to increase the sustainability of Campus Cyber ​​​​in the ecosystems. »

Imaginé comme un laboratoire bouillonnant entre le public et le privé, cel ci n’a pas encore totalement trouvé sa place dans le paysage tricolore. « Le lieu est magnifique, mais l’Etat et les entreprises présentes fonctionnent beaucoup in closed vessels, on est encore loin du CyberSpark », pointed out a connoisseur.

Other wishes to seeAnsile cybergendarme français dont l’ex-director Guillaume Poupard a ardemment milité pour le projet, s’investir more. La direction du Campus Cyber ​​​​could evolve with, à sa tête, a binôme composed of a non-executive president and a general director.

Michel Van Den Berghe will dedicate himself to the Seclab company that he bought in 2024 and which protects EDF or SNCF. An event sur la cybersecurité and l’ is also being organized on February 4, 2025, in Parisartificial intelligence.