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Cape Girardeau County Surveys Residents About Disaster Preparedness and Pets…

Cape Girardeau County Surveys Residents About Disaster Preparedness and Pets…

Southeast Missouri is particularly vulnerable to a potential major earthquake along the New Madrid fault line. But it is also susceptible to tornadoes and floods.

Stadelbacher said lessons can be learned from other disasters, such as hurricane damage and flooding in Kentucky and North Carolina, but all disasters are different, whether it’s the type of disaster that strikes or the topography and population. the affected area.

“As planners, we know that and we’re constantly updating those plans to account for whether it’s new technology or cultural changes or just any small changes that can have a big impact in our area. With these major disasters, we increasingly see that this local area will be the first responder. So we have to be able to rely on ourselves, especially in the first couple of days or maybe even a week, before people can reach us. So we’re really trying to focus on that and prepare, because we know that help may not be able to get here right away, and even the people in this area who are supposed to help may not be able to get here to us immediately.”

One area the study hopes to learn more about is the number of households with animals that will be evacuated along with people.

“We have three pet shelters or three animal housing trailers,” Stadelbacher said. “We’re also kind of trying to gauge how many people will evacuate with their pets, and even if it’s larger animals like horses.”

The survey also seeks to understand how the public obtains its information. Most people said they rely on cell phone alerts. Stadelbacher said such alerts are very effective, but there is no guarantee that cell service is working when a disaster strikes. The public should consider having battery operated radios as part of their emergency kits.

The survey aims to get an idea of ​​how many people rely on electricity for health purposes such as oxygen tanks. Finally, the public health center wants to “get some information out to our community that there are some programs that you can sign up for and be on a list and help us be more prepared.”

Stadelbacher said the short surveys are the first phase of a larger plan to develop more in-depth surveys.

“So most of that data will go to our (emergency preparedness) partners,” she said. “Our county does a very good job of working together, all partners do, and planning ahead for emergencies. So mainly it’s going to go to the local Emergency Operations Center in our county, the fire people, some of the medical facilities.”

Stadelbacher said people’s emergency preparedness depends on their circumstances, the size of their families, their medical needs and many other factors.

The Cape Girardeau County Emergency Operations Center recommends going to to start making plans for a disaster or emergency.