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Leaked Google extension that can surf the web for you

Leaked Google extension that can surf the web for you

Google accidentally leaked its new take on AI, Jarvis. This AI companion is a Google Chrome extension that can browse the web for you. This is not the first time we have heard about Javis AI. However, we now know it to be true.

Last week, information reported that Google is working on an AI model that can “take over” your Chrome browser, performing tasks on your behalf, such as booking a flight or purchasing a product. at that moment, BGRAndy Meek wrote that Google’s AI companion sounds creepy as he expressed concern about Google’s abilities to make good choices with its AI products.

Google search, as we all know, is hopelessly broken. More than ever, the emails I need are randomly directed to Gmail’s spam folder. There is ridiculousness and spam easy to catch everywhere on Google Maps. Its Overview of AI should always be double-checked due to the fact that they are full of inaccuracies.

It’s all because Google is so obsessed with AI and bot-ridden automation that the company, once universally regarded as an “organizer of the world’s information,” is okay with doing whatever it takes to don’t be seen as lagging behind the AI ​​revolution.

This week, information has provided a new report on Jarvis that confirms that AI that can surf the internet for you does in fact exist. According to the report, Google accidentally posted an internal preview of the product to the Chrome extension store.

Listed as a “helpful companion that surfs the web with you,” the AI ​​agent was quickly removed from the store. However, some Chrome users were able to download it. Unfortunately, they couldn’t use it because the program required specific access permissions because it was a prototype.

The publication says that Google plans to officially unveil Jarvis in December. So, even though the company leaked it ahead of time, users will soon have a chance to use this new way to surf the web.