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On Monday, November 4, 2024, the District Manager presented the budget proposal to Council in a special public meeting.

Chambersburg is the only city in Pennsylvania that has an electric, natural gas, water, wastewater, sewer and storm sewer utility. These utilities are never funded by local tax dollars.

In the proposed budget, there would be five (5) types of property taxes collected by the Borough from property owners, with three being the same rates as in 2024. Each budget approval sets the mill rate and Franklin County sets the assessed value. of property inside the District.

2025 tax increase proposal

In 2025, the district would hire 3 more police officers, the first increase in patrol size in over a decade. This would lead to an increase in the police levy rate, currently at 25 million, to 27 million. An increase of 2 million, which will cost the average single-family home about $37 a year more. Since 2006, the police fee will have increased by 10 million in 18 years. An understandable rate of increase for such an important fee and such an important service.

In 2025, the proposed budget recommends starting a campus bond tax for public works. It is proposed to start from 1 mil and pays 24% of the construction cost; the rest is to be paid by the utility departments. However, as construction continues, the rate will increase in 2026 and possibly 2027. This will cost approx. $18 per year.

Public Works Campus

The 2025 budget includes approval of the new public works campus project on Wayne Avenue. The project will cost more than $20 million and will be paid for through a mix of taxes and utility rate increases.

Fees available

The District receives no sales tax, liquor tax, business tax or any other local tax; they are not options under state law. City residents pay no other taxes to the district other than the local service tax of $1 per week if they work within the district.

The impact of all increases

The total cost of all the new utility rates and tax increases in the proposed budget is about $20 per month for the average single-family household within the municipality.

That includes everything in the proposed budget, the new police officers, the Public Works Campus and everything else. It’s a significant increase, but it’s much needed, according to the district director.

Franklin County Real Estate Assessment Impact Rates

The average single-family house in the municipality will pay approx. $625 per year ($55 more than 2024) in property taxes to the Borough. Half will pay less. That’s what an average inner-city single-family home actually pays per year, before discounting. Commercial properties may pay more. Appraised value is not fair market value. Township properties do not pay taxes to the Borough. Visit the Franklin County Assessor’s Office to find out your property’s assessed value at 272 N. Second Street, Chambersburg, 17201 or click

Chambersburg utility customers have the lowest composite utility rates in Pennsylvania, and that won’t change in 2025

Many rates will go up, but they will go up small

For the first time in years, many of the Borough’s utility rates will increase. However, even after the increase, the Borough’s utilities will be less than what city residents were paying in 2021.

In fact, those residential natural gas and electric customers will save more than $2,000 per year in utility costs compared to the average natural gas and electric customer in the state of Pennsylvania.

Natural gas, water, wastewater, electric and sewer rates are much lower than most other municipal and private sector utilities.

Electric and natural gas utilities also make an annual payment in lieu of taxes to support police and fire departments.

Very low utility rates for Chambersburg

For the first time in years, many of the Borough’s utility rates will increase. However, even after the increase, the Borough’s utilities will be some of the lowest rates in the state of Pennsylvania.

Revenue growth

If approved, the proposed 2025 budget will cost the average Borough single-family household about $16.26 more per month in utilities and about $4.58 more per month in taxes, or about $20.82/month . until September 2025.

Some customers may see different results depending on many factors.


To allow more police officers to be hired, the proposed 2025 budget includes an increase in the police levy; no change to the fire tax; the proposed budget includes a new campus bond tax for public works; and, utility rate changes.

The final budget for 2025 requires the approval of the City Council. State law requires the Council to approve a fully balanced budget and tax ordinance by Dec. 31 of each year. On Monday, December 9, 2024, the City Council is scheduled to vote on the 2025 budget and the local tax ordinance.

The entire proposed budget for 2025 is available at www.chambersburgpa.govclick Transparency.