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A tag to vote in the ballot box on election day

A tag to vote in the ballot box on election day

It’s called the 411 of voting, a lesson in how to properly do your civic duty during the 2024 general election.

The question is simple, as a voter are you doing the right thing when you enter a polling site? Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson says there is etiquette when you go to the polls.

“Once you get within 100 feet of a polling place, that’s the time to be a voter,” Benson said.

Election workers are trained to help you with the voting process. Officials say to treat them with respect.

“Electoral workers are professional, they’re bipartisan, they’re committed to doing their jobs with integrity,” she said. “So work with them to ensure the sanctity and security of our elections and our in-person voting procedures, not against them.”

Before entering a polling station, make sure that your attire does not reflect your political beliefs. A South Carolina video has gone viral after a voter got into a physical altercation with poll workers who asked him to remove a hat with a Pro-Trump message.

“Carrying signs that would suggest campaigning for a candidate within 30 feet of a polling place is against the law in our state,” Benson said.

Impersonating another person or attempting to vote under another person’s name is an offense and campaigning within 100 meters of any building entrance used by voters to enter a polling station is also a misdemeanor.

“We will be on hand if there is disruption to protect our poll workers, but really, there’s no reason we can’t have anything to achieve by creating a disruption at the polling place,” she said.

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