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Singing Chakra Bowls Balance Energy at Mount Clemens Library – Macomb Daily

Singing Chakra Bowls Balance Energy at Mount Clemens Library – Macomb Daily

For one hour Saturday morning, the Mount Clemens Library auditorium was transformed into a chakra sound bowl meditation room.

About 30 participants, some sitting cross-legged or lying in savasana pose on their yoga mats, took deep breaths and listened as holistic wellness practitioner Adrienne Lakes used a suede mallet to play the set of seven bowls, each representing one of the seven chakras.

Adrienne Lakes of Balance & Vibe, LLC wears koshi bells at a singing bowls class at the Mount Clemens Library on November 2nd. (PHOTO BY SUSAN SMILEY)
Adrienne Lakes of Balance & Vibe, LLC wears koshi bells at a singing bowls class at the Mount Clemens Library on November 2nd. (PHOTO BY SUSAN SMILEY)

To the humming sound of the bowls, Lakes added various other sounds, including Koshi bells, tingsha cymbals, maracas, an ocean drum, a rain stick and energy bells. Many of the sounds seemed to mimic those found in nature, but Lakes noted that everyone experiences sound therapy differently and hears different things.

“It’s just about the vibes,” Lakes said. “It’s about the frequency of the center point of that particular chakra in your body.”

Each chakra coordinates with different parts of the body, organ system, and neural networks: crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, and root/base.

As Lakes mixed the various instruments to create a melodious blend of sound, we could imagine gentle rain, waves rolling onto the beach, cicadas, a coyote howling, birds singing and a rooster crowing.

The effect was so soothing that one participant fell asleep during the class.

The ocean drum played by holistic wellness practitioner Adrienne Lakes mimics the sound of waves rolling onto the beach. (PHOTO BY SUSAN SMILEY)
The ocean drum played by holistic wellness practitioner Adrienne Lakes mimics the sound of waves rolling onto the beach. (PHOTO BY SUSAN SMILEY)

Lakes uses both quartz and metal bowls to create different vibrations meant to have a grounding and healing effect.

“Quartz bowls and Himalayan bowls create different sounds and vibrations,” Lakes said. “It’s a real foundation.”

The whole experience is meant to be relaxing for the mind and body.

“I think it’s just the frequency; it allows a person to reset and spend some time, go inside and quiet their mind,” Lakes said. “It’s another form of self-care.”