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David Holt backs Kamala Harris in scathing takedown of Trump

David Holt backs Kamala Harris in scathing takedown of Trump

The Republican mayor of Oklahoma City David Holt the vice president claimed Kamala Harris for president this week in a scathing teardown of Donald Trump published in citizen of Philadelphia.

Holt opened his op-ed with a quote from the Bible, “‘Hold fast to that which is good.’ — 1 Thessalonians 5:21.” He then went on to recall his long history in Republican politics, having first voted yes George W. Bush and later worked at the White House.

Holt goes on to argue that while he remains a Republican in politics, he cannot support Trump based on character. “During this period of my adult life that I’m describing—within four presidential elections—I saw politics as a differentiator between the candidates. Issues like a strong national defense, limited and competent government, fiscal responsibility, personal liberty, and a free market capitalist economy weighed heavily in my vote. It wasn’t until 2016, 2020, and 2024 that I was forced to admit that there were inherently more important criteria, criteria that I took for granted. These criteria could be thought of as the three Cs: CHARACTER, COMPETENCE and COMMITMENT to our form of government,” Holt wrote, adding:

The three Cs represent virtues, not political positions. It is highly unlikely that the nominees of the two major political parties will hold the same policy positions, but it is entirely possible that they will possess almost identical virtues. In fact, I now realize in retrospect that for the first four presidential elections of my adult life, I gave very little thought to these virtues. I simply took it for granted that both leading candidates possessed them.

He goes on to discuss the importance of each of the “three Cs” and argues that Americans are taking them “for granted” in their president, to our collective peril.

“I took it for granted that both front-runners had a strong commitment to the US Constitution. I couldn’t have imagined a world where any leading candidate would ever publicly call for an end to the Constitution,” Holt argued, referring to Trump’s Social Truth post calling for “ending” parts of the Constitution. He added:

We took it for granted that both front-runners followed the democratic process and term limits. I took it for granted that both leading candidates would accept a loss, graciously congratulate the victor and, if necessary, transfer power peacefully.

We took it for granted that both leading candidates respected our military, would fulfill their role in our national defense, and their obligation to preserve confidential information to which they might have access. We took it for granted that both leading candidates valued our veterans and held most sacred our obligation to those who were captured or killed. We took for granted that both leading candidates would understand the vital role played by the media, and while differences were to be expected, we took for granted that all candidates would treat members of the media with respect.

We took for granted that both leading candidates respected the rule of law and deeply understood the concept that no president is above the law, and that this fact is fundamental to our unique national story. For the first four presidential elections of my adult life, I took these virtues for granted. I haven’t had that luxury since.

Holt concluded by referencing the Bible quote he opened with: “Maybe you’re like me and look forward to the day when we can once again look beyond the three Cs and see politics as our presidential differentiator. We should all work for that day. But that day is not November 5, 2024. On that day, I will hold fast to what is good. On that day, I will vote for virtue.”

Read the full article Here.

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